SP5IXI/VK6DXI Memorial Webiste
Mirek SP5IXI (aka VK6DXI, 9V1XE etc.) was a great HAM and friend. He loved CW, DXing and contesting. He organized many one-man DXpeditions and was also a member of big projects (like FT5XO or ZL8R). Mirek was always an example of friendship and HAM spirit – in each place he visited during his numerous business trips and DXpeditions he always tried to make friends and socialize with local HAM communities.
In 2015 Mirek renewed his 9V1XE license and took part in the SP DX Contest during the first weekend of April, 2015. He was going to retire and to settle down in Singapore (where he had lived earlier) – the place he loved. A few days later (on April 14) the international HAM community was informed that Mirek passed away of hearth attack. It happened so suddenly and shocked his family and friends.
This website was built to keep the memory of Mirek SP5IXI/VK6DXI.
SP5IXI/VK6DXI. Some History
Mirek SP5IXI got his radio license in the seventies. Getting a radio license in a country governed by communists (it was the situation in Poland then) was not easy then. HAM radio activity was closely followed by auhorities. Since the very begining Mirek was interested in DXing and contesting. He was a close friend of Chris SP5GIQ (now SP7GIQ and SN7Q in the contests) and they were gaining their HAM experience together at the Radio Club SP5KMB in Pruszków (near Warsaw).
Mirek left Poland in 1980 and it was the key decision for the rest of his life. Mirek was a high-class specialist in electricity and high voltage. He travelled all the world because of his job (he worked for international concerns invloved in building of power plants). If it was only possible he was active on bands from visited countries. But first of all he always tried to meet local HAMs, clubs, take part in local activities etc.
The Story of the First Factory-Brand Transceivers
In seventies it was very difficult to buy a factory-brand transceiver. There were no HAM shops in Poland and most of SP HAMs were using homemade transceivers.
As it was told before, Mirek SP5IXI and Chris SP7GIQ were close friends and one year they decided to drive to West Germany during their summer holidays. They decided to find a season job there to earn money to buy transceivers. They got visias for a 10 day stay but they spent almost two months in West Germany. They were working on one of the farms there.
They worked hard and earned enough money to buy transceivers. They visited a ham shop in Hannover. The name of the shop – Richter – came from the family name of the owner. Mirek and Chirs both decided to buy FT-101 – it was a modern TRX in that time. They also met Mr Richter, the owner, who sold them the transceivers.
They were very excited. They were owners of factory-brand transcivers. It was a very big deal for a Polish HAM then. They packed their new toys and drove to the border. They had no problems to leave West Germany but entering East Germany was a thrill. Customs control was very afraid of the radio gear which two young students tried to bring to the territory of communist block countries. The control was very long and the customs almost disassembled the car. Chris and Mirek were also asked many strange questions.
Finally Chris and Mirek were told that, of course, they can enter East Germany but… without transceivers. They knew that leaving transceivers there was like losing them forever. So they said “No” and they were turned back to West Germany.
They did not know what to do and in the act of desperation they decided to make a call to Mr Richter. When he heard their story he said: Don’t worry! Come to my place. It will be OK. And he gave them his home address.
So they had late dinner with Mr Richter and they spent the night in his home. Mr Richter even suggested them to stay a few days longer as he was ready to show them all interesting places in Hannover. But Chris and Mirek were afraid and they wanted to go back to Poland. But what is important in the whole story – Mr Richter suggested that they should leave the transceivers in his shop and he would send them by train to Poland. In that time he used to send many radio gear (CB transcivers) to Poland using train transport. It was decided to use this idea.
So Chris SP5GIQ and Mirek SP5IXI went back to Poland. They had nothing in their car so they had no problems to cross the borders. Then after a few days their transceivers came by train transport. There was an additional cost: they had to pay for each kilogram of the package. That was all. No customs control. Nothing. That easy. The reality in communist countries was full of strange, different extremes.
The Story of the Secret SP DX Contest
The SP5KMB Radio Club was located in a big apartment building. Feeders quality was not high and on the other hand the quality of TV receivers was also very poor. So the club members and the locators of the building as well as buuildings in the neighbourhood had constant problems with QRMs.
One year Chris SP5GIQ and Mirek SP5IXI decided to take part in the SP DX Contest. They wanted it to be a very serious effort. They even installed a 40m quad antenna made of wires hanging between high buildings. But there was a big problem: QRM.
It was very easy to know if there is anybody in the club. The windows of the club rooms were very clearly visible from outside.
But a perfect solution has been found. Chris and Mirek found some thick pleds and put them tightly in all windows. So even if the light was turned on in the club, the windows were completely dark from outside. And of course: dark windows = nobody in the club. In this way the QRM problem was solved.
These were the sins of youth but probably all of us have such stories in our history, stories from the period of time when we were learning HAM radio, gaining experience. In the retrospect, these are funny stories and great memories.
Callsigns used by SP5IXI/VK6DXI
Here are the callsigns Mirek used during his life: 3B8CF (on the way to FT5XO), 3W6DXI, 7S5AA, 8Q7XI, 9M8DX, 9M8DX/2 (AS-058), 9M8DX/2 (AS-046), 9M8DX/2 (Kuala Lumpur), 9M8DX/2 (AS-015), 9N1DX, 9V1XE, BV7/VK6DXI, BY1PK, BY1QH, DL/VK2DXI, EA4/VK6DXI, EP3PTT, F/VK6DXI, FK/VK6DXI, FT5XO, HB0/SP5IXI, HB9/SP5IXI/P, HG8RTT, HK7/VK6DXI, HL1/VK6DXI, HL4/VK3DXI, HL5/VK3DXI, HS0/VK3DXI (Pukhet Is.), HS0/VK3DXI (Pattaya and Bangkok), HS0AC, I0/SP5IXI, JA6YAO/VK6DXI, KH6/VK2DXI, LU/VK3DXI, MW/VK3DXI, OH0/VK3DXI, PA0NOL, SM5/VK3DXI, SO5IXI, SP5IXI, SP5IXI/OE4, SP5IXI/OE6, SV1/SP5IXI/P, TA1/SP5IXI, TA2/SP5IXI, TF/SP5IXI, TI2/SP5IXI, UA9YAB, VE2/VK3DXI, VE2CUA, VK2DXI, VK2DXI/9M2, VK2DXI/9M8, VK2DXI/VE2, VK2DXI/VE3, VK2DXI/VE7, VK2DXI/VK9N (Norfolk Is.), VK2DXI/VO1, VK2DXI/VO2, VK2DXI/VY2, VK3DXI, VK3DXI/4S7, VK3DXI/BY9GA, VK3DXI/LA, VK6DXI, VK6DXI/4, VK6DXI/mm (on R/V Braveheart), VK9XU (Christmas Is.), VP5VDE, VR2009EAG, VU/VK2DXI, W0/VK3DXI, W2/VK2DXI, W7/VK6DXI, XE1RCQ, Z2/VK2DXI, Z21DXI, ZL1/VK6DXI, ZL8R, ZS2/VK6DXI, ZS5/SP5IXI, ZS6/VK2DXI.
Some QSL Cards of Mirek’s Activities
Webiste for a Friend Who Passed Away
I come from a younger generation of HAMs than Mirek SP5IXI. I got my license in 1989. I first met Mirek on bands in 1991 when he was active as VK2DXI/9M2. It was my first QSO to West Malaysia. I got bitten by the DXing and contesting bug when I was still a listener. So it did not take too much time to find a contact with Mirek and to follow his trips and DXpeditions. Years after years we were in touch and finally we met in Poland during one of his visits. It became our tradition: each time Mirek was in Poland, we had to meet and visit SP5KMB (the club where Mirek started his HAM adventure). After some time we became friends.
When Ted DL4DBR (who was a QSL Manager of Mirek’s activities) passed away in 2009, Mirek asked me to become his QSL manager.
For many years Mirek was like an ambassador of Polish HAMs in the international community. In eighties and ninethies Polish radio amateur emigrants used to meet on 14.273 MHz. It was like a Polish frequency used to talk to friends in Poland. As far as I know Mirek was one of the authors of the idea of such a Polish frequency.
This website was built to keep the memory of SP5IXI/VK6DXI, his radio expeditions and friends he met during his trips.
Picture Galleries of SP5IXI/VK6DXI
Various Photos from Many Places and Time Periods
7X0DX (2002, 2008)
Mirek 7X0DX (aka SP5IXI, VK6DXI, Z21DXI etc) visted Algeria many times on business trips in 2002 and 2008. He always tried to be active on bands during his free time. He was using IC-7000, AH4 ATU and a longwire antenna.
7X0DX was active on HF (CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31) and via satellites UO14 and AO40. Overall more than 16,3k QSOs were logged.
Some specific 7X0DX QSO data (satellites) were lost but besides that the complete log is uploaded to the LoTW and ClubLog. If you need paper QSL please use OQRS or send an email to Tom SP5UAF.
Mirek (SP5IXI, VK6DXI etc) visted Malaysia many times during his business trips. He visited 9M8 many times over the years and he was active on bands. During each visit he also tried to meet local HAM community.
Mirek SP5IXI/VK6DXI visited West Malaysia many times over the years. He was active as 9M8DX/2 from four locations:
- Kuala Lumpur
- Penang Island (AS-015)
- Tioman Island (AS-046)
- Langkawi Island (AS-058)
Most of his IOTA activities were from Tioman Is.
One of the business trips led Mirek to beautiful Iceland. Mirek was active using IC-7000, AH4 ATU and a longwire antenna. He also met many local HAMs.
One of the visited places was South Africa. Of course Mirek SP5IXI/VK6DXI used the chance to be on air. It is not a needed DXCC but as always it was fun to operate from new entity and meet local HAMs.