LX5A (2004)

Members of the Scouts Radio Club SP5ZCC and Club Team SP7PGK decided to visit Luxembourg in April 2004 to operate in the SP DX Contest. Courtsey of Robert LX1RQ and Joel LX1ER the operation took place from the QTH of LX5A – Scouts of Wiltz. We could use the call LX5A in the contest while outside the contest we were active as LX/home_call (SP5HNK, SP5MBQ, SP5UAF, SP7NJX, SP7VC and SQ5IRO).

It was also a chance to meet many HAM friends from LX as well as other countries. We were visited by LX1RQ, LX1ER, LX2AJ, ON4TTT, HA1AG and others. We had great time.

Robert LX1RQ and Joel LX1ER are great friends and their support during our stay was tremendous. The first person we emailed when we started to organize the operation was Robert LX1RQ. In that time we had met him in almost all RTTY Contests. He helped us to rent the Scouts of Wiltz QTH. Unfortunately Robert LX1RQ is Silent Key.

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